Somiedo Natural Park
This is the story of Roberto Hartasánchez. He has spent the last 40 years fighting for the protection of bears in the Cantabrian Mountains of Spain.
Gesäuse National Park
This is the story of biologist Romana Netzberger. She studies small insects that live on the summits, meadows and rocks of Austria’s youngest national park Gesäuse.
Durmitor National Park
This is the story of national park ranger Mican. After some years in the city, he realized that he could only be really himself when he’s surrounded by nature, helping to protect it.
Tatra National Park
This is the story of climber Gosia and her 10-year old daughter Olivia. Both spend most of their free time in the Tatra Mountains. Gosia is very passionate about nature and teaches her daughter how to care about it.
Marettimo Protected Area
This is the story of freediver Daniel Bichsel. A passionate lover of the oceans and environmental activist who wants to make people aware of the beauty and importance of our oceans.